Which Crystals Cannot Be Cleansed In Salt Water? 20 Crystals To Avoid Salt-Water

Which Crystals Cannot Be Cleansed In Salt Water? 20 Crystals To Avoid Salt-Water

salt water cleanse

Cleansing your crystals is an essential part of owning these beautiful, natural stones and will wash away negative energy, leaving the crystals free to work to the best of their ability. However, there are many ways to cleanse a crystal and yet not all of these stones are suitable for each method.

One of the most common methods for cleansing crystals is to submerge them in salt water. But it is important to only do this with crystals that are safe to be put in water.

In this article, we are going to be looking at which crystals you should never cleanse using water and some alternative methods to make sure that your stones have a good flow of energy.

20 Crystals Which Should Not Be Cleansed In Salt Water

It is essential that you know which crystals cannot be cleansed in salt water as doing so could damage your stone. You can use the mohs hardness scale which is a great way of determining whether the stone is suitable to be put in water. As a rule of thumb, the stone must have a mohs hardness score of 6 or above for this cleansing method.

1 Lapis Lazuli

Salt water, whether this has been sourced from the ocean or if you are using table salt, can cause stones and crystals to break down. Lapis Lazuli is one of these stones and crystals and you may find that if you cleanse your crystals this way, they will end up becoming dull.

2 Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s eye is a delicate stone that should not be used in salt-water. These crystals can contain traces of metal which could cause them to rust or become damaged.

3 Imperial Topaz

Imperial topaz is a relatively hard stone but it is also quite delicate so when you cleanse crystals with salt-water, you should avoid using this method for this stone.

4 Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is sometimes cleansed by people in water. But you should keep in mind that there is a risk of this stone becoming slightly damaged when it has contact with water.

5 Fire Opal

If an opal is solid, it may be OK for it to be cleansed using water. However, if there are even small cracks in these crystals, the water could get inside and damage the stone. Furthermore, since these are delicate stones, the salt could dull their shine.

6 Pyrite

Due to the high metal content in these crystals, they should not be submerged in water, whether that is salt or plain. Also metallic stones could leave a toxic residue in the water.

7 Red Coral

Red coral may become dull and could break down if it is exposed to sea salt or another mineral that could damage it.

8 Amber

Amber may begin to break down or lose its shine if it is put into salt water.

9 Magnetite

Magnetite is a metallic based stone and this can mean that when it comes into contact with water, it may rust.

10 Rose Quartz

Most of quartz crystals such as snow quartz, clear quartz, and smoky quartz are suitable for being submerged in water. However, it is known that rose quartz may become pitted so it is best to avoid using salt water on this quartz crystal.

11 Tangerine Quartz

Much like the quartz rose stone, the tangerine crystal is also one of the unsuitable stones and crystals for this type of cleansing.

12 Hematite

Much like other metallic crystals, hematite may rust if it is put into water.

13 Calcite

Blue calcite, orange calcite, and any other type of this stone will not be suitable for salt water crystal cleansing as it can break the stones down and cause them to dissolve.

14 Jet

As a delicate stone, you may find that jet becomes easily damaged if you try to improve the crystals energy in this way.

15 Turquoise

If you use salt water or any other type of water, including running water or a plain bowl of water to cleanse your crystals, there is a chance of turquoise losing its lustre and becoming dull.

16 Carnelian

Carnelian is a self-cleansing crystal and this means that it does not need such intense cleansing methods as other crystals. It may also deteriorate if it is put into water.

17 Selenite

Selenite is another crystal that is known to be self-cleansing. This means that selenite can almost totally restore its own healing properties. Because it is a soft crystal, it may dissolve if you use water to cleanse it.

18 Desert Rose

Many experts will tell you to use your intuition to determine which stones and crystals that are safe for cleansing in water. One of these is desert rose, which could deteriorate.

19 Halite

Some crystals will resonate highly in water and this can cause damage and may even drain their energies rather than renewing energy like it is intended to. Halite is one such crystal whose negative energy should not be removed in salt water.

20 Kyanite

Minerals like this that end in an ‘ite’ are usually unsuitable for this type of cleansing. If you are going to use water make sure that you do not use it with kyanite, especially salt water which could cause the stone to dissolve completely.

What Stones And Crystals Can Be Cleansed With Saltwater?

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Of course, there are many crystals and stones that can be cleansed using the saltwater method and these include most types of hard stone including smokey quartz and quartz citrine. You can also submerge any of the following stones and minerals in salt water or any other kind of water for 24 hours to renew their energy.

  • Citrine
  • Black Obsidian
  • Agate
  • Moonstone Jasper
  • Amethyst
  • Aventurine
  • Quartz amethyst

Alternative Cleansing Methods

If you have a stone that cannot be cleansed using salt water then there is no need to worry, the energy frequencies of your crystals can be recharged in other ways. There are some crystals that can be charged using plain water. The best option to do this is to hold the crystal under running water such as a stream but you can also use tap water.

You might also use the light from the full moon or place the crystals in direct sunlight, this is a very effective method to cleanse them.

Stones can also be cleansed using one another. You can take the energy from crystals like clear quartz or selenite to charge smaller stones simply by placing them on top of each another. This is a great method for stones like black tourmaline that cannot be placed into water.


The use of crystals for healing has many allies around the world, and a lot of people swear by this to improve their overall health and wellbeing. However, in order for your stones to work effectively, you must take the time to cleanse them and this can be done in several ways, including with salt water.

That being said, it is important to use your intuition and determine whether each crystal is suitable for use in salty water. Some crystals may become damaged but our list of the crystals that cannot be cleansed in salt water provides you with a great guide to keep your stone energised and safe.

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