Transcendental Meditation Mantras | What to Say and What Not to Say!

Transcendental Meditation Mantras | What to Say  and What Not to Say!

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Transcendental meditation is a form of meditation that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves the repetition of a mantra, a sound or word, to help quiet the mind and reach a state of inner peace and relaxation. The practice of transcendental meditation mantras has been shown to have a number of benefits for both physical and mental health. Unlike other forms of meditation that focus on breathing or visualization, transcendental meditation mantras do not require any particular concentration or effort. The mantra is simply repeated silently in the mind, allowing the practitioner to let go of thoughts and distractions and enter a state of deep rest. This state of restful alertness has been shown to have a number of benefits for overall health and wellbeing. Research has shown that regular practice of transcendental meditation mantras can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as improve sleep quality and lower blood pressure. It has also been shown to improve cognitive function and increase feelings of happiness and wellbeing. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are turning to this ancient practice to help them find peace and balance in their lives.

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a type of meditation that involves the use of a mantra, a word or sound that is repeated silently in the mind. It is a simple, natural, and effortless technique that can be practiced by people of all ages and backgrounds.

The Origins of Transcendental Meditation

TM was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an Indian guru and spiritual leader, in the 1950s. He believed that the technique could help people achieve a state of inner peace and harmony, and improve their physical and mental health. The practice of TM involves sitting comfortably with the eyes closed, and silently repeating a mantra for 20 minutes, twice a day. The mantra is chosen by the teacher based on the individual’s age and gender, and is kept confidential.

The Benefits of Transcendental Meditation

Research has shown that practicing TM can have a number of benefits for both the mind and body. Some of the benefits include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Better sleep quality
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Reduced symptoms of depression

TM has also been shown to be an effective tool for improving overall well-being and quality of life. It can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their religious or cultural background, and does not require any special equipment or training.

Mantras in Transcendental Meditation

What are Mantras?

Mantras are words, sounds, or phrases that are repeated silently during meditation. In Transcendental Meditation (TM), mantras are used as a tool to help the practitioner reach a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. Mantras are chosen based on their sound quality, and they are not meant to have any specific meaning. The repetition of the mantra is believed to quiet the mind and allow the practitioner to transcend thought and experience a state of pure consciousness.

How are Mantras Used in Transcendental Meditation?

In TM, mantras are used as a focal point to help the practitioner quiet the mind and reach a state of deep relaxation. The mantra is repeated silently in the mind, and the practitioner is instructed to allow other thoughts to come and go without getting caught up in them. The use of the mantra is not meant to be a concentration exercise, but rather a way to effortlessly transcend thought and experience pure consciousness. The repetition of the mantra allows the mind to settle down and become less active, leading to a state of deep relaxation and inner peace.

Choosing a Mantra

In TM, mantras are chosen for the individual by a certified TM teacher. The teacher selects a mantra based on the sound quality and vibration of the word, as well as the individual’s age and gender. Mantras are kept confidential and are not shared with others. The use of a mantra that has not been specifically chosen for the individual may not yield the same benefits as a personalized mantra. It is important to note that the use of mantras is not limited to TM. Many spiritual practices and beliefs incorporate the use of mantras as a way to quiet the mind and reach a state of inner peace.

The Science Behind Transcendental Meditation Mantras

Brainwave Patterns During Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a type of meditation that involves repeating a mantra silently in the mind. Research has shown that during TM, the brainwave patterns of the meditator shift from the beta waves of normal waking consciousness to the alpha waves of relaxation and then to the theta waves of deep meditation. According to a study published in the Journal of Cognitive Enhancement, these changes in brainwave patterns during TM are associated with increased creativity, reduced stress and anxiety, and improved cognitive function.

The Effects of Mantras on the Brain

The use of mantras in TM has been shown to have a unique effect on the brain. A study published in Brain and Cognition found that the repetition of a mantra during TM activates a specific part of the brain known as the default mode network (DMN). The DMN is responsible for self-referential thinking and mind-wandering, which are common during rest and relaxation. However, during TM, the DMN becomes more active and coherent, leading to a state of deep relaxation and restful alertness. Another study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience found that the use of mantras during TM was associated with increased connectivity between different regions of the brain, particularly those involved in attention and sensory processing. Overall, the use of mantras in TM appears to have a unique effect on the brain, leading to increased relaxation, creativity, and cognitive function. Untitled design - 2023-04-05T091559.509

How to Practice Transcendental Mantras in 2023

Preparing for Meditation

Before beginning Transcendental Meditation (TM), it is important to find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed. It’s also recommended to wear comfortable clothing and remove any distractions, such as phones or other electronic devices.

The Meditation Process

To begin the meditation process, sit comfortably with your eyes closed and repeat your chosen mantra silently to yourself. The TM mantras are typically one or two syllables and are chosen specifically for each individual by a certified TM teacher. The mantra serves as a focal point for the mind and helps to facilitate a deeper state of relaxation and self-awareness. During the meditation, it is normal for thoughts to arise. When this happens, simply acknowledge the thought and gently return your focus to the mantra. The meditation should last for approximately 20 minutes and should be practiced twice a day, ideally in the morning and evening.

Tips for Successful Practice

To ensure a successful TM practice, it’s important to approach TM with an open mind and a willingness to learn. It’s also recommended to find a certified TM teacher who can guide you through the process and provide support and guidance along the way. Other tips for successful practice include:

  • Practice at the same time every day
  • Choose one mantra that resonates with you and that you feel confident to say or chant
  • Avoid practicing after eating or when overly tired
  • Be patient and allow yourself time to become comfortable with the practice

Overall, practicing TM mantras can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and promoting overall well-being. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can learn to practice TM and experience the benefits it has to offer.

Type of Meditation to Use

Transcendental meditation involves the use of mantras, which are repetitive sounds or words that aid in focus and inner peace. One type of meditation technique that works well with mantras is silent repetition. This involves quietly reciting the chosen mantra in your mind over and over again while keeping your focus on the sound and vibration of the word. Another type is guided meditation, where an instructor or audio recording guides you through the meditation process while reciting the mantra. This allows for a deeper level of relaxation and helps to reinforce the intended meaning of the mantra. In addition, walking meditation can be useful for those who find it difficult to sit still for extended periods. This technique involves walking slowly and deliberately while reciting the mantra, allowing for a peaceful yet active form of meditation. Overall, the key is finding a meditation technique that works best for your individual needs and preferences.

How to Choose a Mantra

Choosing a mantra is an important part of Transcendental Meditation practice. A mantra is a sound or word that is repeated silently during meditation to help quiet the mind and bring about a state of relaxation and inner peace. The mantra you choose should be a personal, meaningful, and traditional sound. It should not have any negative associations and be easy for you to remember and just feels right. One popular mantra is “om,” which represents the sound of the universe and is said to have healing properties. Another common mantra is “so-hum,” which means “I am that” and is thought to promote self-awareness and connection to the universe. Ultimately, the mantra you choose should resonate with you and help you reach a state of transcendence.


Transcendental meditation mantras are a powerful tool for achieving inner peace and clarity. This ancient practice has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve overall well-being. Research has shown that regular practice of transcendental meditation can lead to a wide range of benefits, including reduced stress and anxiety, increased resilience to stress, lower blood pressure, and improved cognitive function. While there are many different types of meditation, transcendental meditation mantras are unique in that they are personalized to each individual practitioner. This means that the mantra is specifically chosen for the individual based on their personal characteristics and needs. Overall, transcendental meditation mantras provide a simple and effective way to achieve a state of deep relaxation and inner peace. Whether you are looking to reduce stress, improve your overall well-being, or simply find a way to quiet your mind, transcendental meditation mantras are a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I choose a TM mantra?

During TM, a practitioner repeats a mantra to help settle the mind and reach a state of deep relaxation. The mantra is a sound or phrase that is chosen specifically for the individual by a trained TM teacher. The teacher takes into account the individual’s age, gender, and other factors when selecting the mantra. The mantra is kept secret and is not shared with others. It is important to use the correct mantra for TM to be effective, so it is recommended to learn from a certified TM teacher.

Q. Can you use any mantra for TM?

No, the mantra used during TM is specifically chosen for the individual by a trained TM teacher. The mantra is chosen based on the individual’s personal characteristics and is kept secret. Using a different mantra may not be effective in achieving the desired state of relaxation and may even be counterproductive.

Q. Can you learn TM by yourself?

No, it is recommended to learn TM from a certified TM teacher. The teacher will guide the individual in the proper technique and choose a mantra specifically for them. Learning TM from a teacher ensures that the individual is using the correct technique and will be able to achieve the desired state of relaxation.

Q. Do I say my TM mantra out loud?

No, the TM mantra is repeated silently in the mind. The purpose of the mantra is to help settle the mind and reach a state of deep relaxation. Saying the mantra out loud would not be effective in achieving this state and may even be distracting.

Q: What is TM?

A: TM or Transcendental Meditation is a meditation technique that involves the use of mantras for transcendental meditation. It is a type of meditation that is based on Hinduism and Buddhism and is widely practiced all over the world.

Q: What are mantras for transcendental meditation?

A: Mantras for transcendental meditation are phrases or sounds that are used to aid in meditation practice. They are used during silent meditation to help practitioners focus and enter a deeper state of relaxation.

Q: What is the list of transcendental meditation mantras?

A: There is no definitive list of transcendental meditation mantras. However, there are several popular mantras that are used by TM practitioners, such as “om,” “aum,” and “hum.” These mantras are often based on Sanskrit words and are believed to have spiritual significance.

Q: What do transcendental meditation mantra sounds mean?

A: Transcendental meditation mantra sounds do not necessarily have a specific meaning. They are used to aid in the meditative process by helping to calm the mind and focus the concentration on the present moment.

Q: Can I choose my own mantra for TM?

A: Typically, a TM teacher will provide a mantra for the student to use during their practice. The practitioner is expected to keep the mantra confidential and use it during meditation.

Q: How do I practice TM?

A: To practice TM, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit, close your eyes and begin to meditate using your chosen mantra. Allow yourself to sink into a state of relaxed awareness and practice for 20 minutes twice daily. After the allotted time, slowly open your eyes.

Q: Is TM a form of relaxation?

A: Yes, TM is a powerful tool for relaxation and helps you to be present in the moment. It has been shown to reduce stress and improve overall well-being by promoting a sense of inner peace and calmness.

Q: What is the mantra used in TM?

A: The mantra used in TM is believed to bring the practitioner into a state of transcendence, beyond the realm of thought and into a state of pure awareness. The specific mantra is chosen based on gender and is used exclusively for meditation practice.

Q: Who can teach me the TM technique?

A: TM can only be taught by a certified TM teacher. These teachers undergo a rigorous training program and are authorized to teach others the practice of TM.

Q: What are some popular mantras for transcendental meditation?

A: Some popular mantras for transcendental meditation include “i am divine love,” “i bow to shiva,” and “i am divine.” These mantras are widely used and often translate to English to aid in the understanding of their meaning.

For further reading have a look at 

Buddhist mantra

Kundalini yoga



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